Friday 12 September 2014

What Makes Our Film Unique?

What is similar in our film in comparison to other films?
There are many films which are based on paranormal events and the afterlife. We liked the idea of sticking with this as a central theme for our film, as we felt that this was a strong idea in order to create a dramatic film which would be emotional for a wide audience. We wanted something that an audience could relate to. As many people experience death in their lives, we found that this was an easy topic to ensure our audiences could connect to the film and empathise with our characters. Death is also a huge topic in film, particularly in horrors. Films such as Paranormal Activity and Sixth Sense have made large profits by basing the ideas for their films on the dead and their inability to move on. Often the spirits are malevolent or have unfinished business on Earth. 

What is different about our film? 
Storyline: Although our central theme is widely popular amongst Hollywood filmmakers, we have made sure that our film stands out from any other by adding our own original ideas. Films based on paranormal events are usually largely horror based, so as a group we decided to use the theme but in a completely different genre. Characters which are 'ghosts' are often not the main characters - there tends to be an alive main character who is directly affected by a spirit or ghost. However, in our film, the dead girl is the main character which is unusual. It is important in our film that the audience doesn't know that the main character is dead until the very end on the film, as this is our plot twist. This is a unique idea as we usually know whether the character is in human or spirit form as soon as they are introduced. We also get a lot of her background story from the film. Usually when someone dies in a film, it is a popular and well loved person with many sympathetic people mourning them. However, until the end, we get the feeling that she is a lonely, depressed girl who feels unloved and uncared for. This is an important concept so it can be revealed at the end that people cared about her more than they let on. 

Visual Effects: We are also going to ensure that the effects included in our film often make the film appear 'hazy' and 'slightly distorted'. This is unique as it makes the audience think as they know that something unusual is going on from the beginning, although they do not figure out what until the end. Instead of our film being dull and dark in colour at the end, and bright and colourful at the beginning, we are reversing this effect. This is because we want the colours to be dull in the beginning to represent the mundane realities of human life. At the very end when she discovers that she's dead, the lighting will be very bright to indicate that she has moved on to the spirit world. Although this is a sad ending is it also going to be represented as a 'relief' for her - an escape from reality. This ending will bring mixed emotions to our audience, which is different as there is usual a definite sad or happy ending. It is up to the audiences interpretation of events.

Sound: When there are flashbacks of her death, We have planned to put a rather uplifting song on in the background to make a harsh contrast between the relief and the sadness of her death. This is so the audience can decide how they feel about the ending. 

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