Friday 5 September 2014

Story Ideas

Story Idea 1
genre: Drama

Beginning- A middle aged women who is careered focused is coming home from work. Match on action shots will be used to briefly show her journey too and from work. We begin to see she is a smartly dressed, sophisticated, intelligent women. When she arrives home we see she has a small family. She lives in a big house with her boyfriend and their dog. However, we begin to see snippets  of her personality and begin to build a picture of her. 
Middle- As the story begins to unfold, we see how much her family cares about her, relies on her and depends on her. However, she begins pushing them away and prioritising herself and her career. Her father is ill and her mother phones her to tell her she needs to come and see him as his health is deteriorating and she doesn't believe he has long left. Unfortunately her father sadly passes away and she didn't get chance to see him. She also misses his funeral due to her having a business meeting and her mother disowns her. We then begin to see how she pushes away everyone who cares about her including her friends, boyfriend and her sister. However she doesn't seem to care. 
End- Towards the end of the film, the women falls seriously ill and is in hospital, she is alone, in pain and a long way from home. She realises that she's pushed away anyone who ever cared about her due to her selfishness and heartlessness and now she will die alone. Throughout the film, it will be flicked from past to present, the present being her i hospital however, the audience will not know who is in the hospital ben until the end of the film. Her identity will be reviled right at the end to keep the audience intrigued throughout. 

Story Idea 2

Beginning- Two sisters who have an extremely close relationship are stumbling home from a party drunk are already late home. The younger sister wasn't going to drink but her older sister encouraged her to. The younger sister is stumbling and falls over the curb, and ends up in the middle of the road, and gets hit by a car.
Middle- The next scene is both sisters in the hospital, the younger sister is laid in the hospital bed and the older sister is sat beside her. She seems relived that her sister is alive and well and begins saying 'I'm going to keep you safe now i promise'. Both sisters leave the hospital and head for home. When they arrive home her mum and dad seem distant and ignore both girls. Both girls go upstairs and begin talking. The next scenes are the girls spending lots of time together but everyone seems to be staring at them both in disgust and confusion. The older sister takes a photo of her and her younger sister but when she turns the picture round there is only her on it. She turns to her younger sister who is no longer there and thinks she's run away. She begins calling her name and runs home to see where she is.
End- The older sister asks her mum and dad if they've seen her and they look at each other before saying 'darling you need to understand she's never coming back, it wasn't your fault, you need to move on now'. The older sister is shocked and begins to cry refusing the fact she's dead. She runs out of the house to the place of the accident to see flowers and cards. She picks up a card and to see 'RIP emma' and  collapses to the ground. She looks around and see's her younger sister a fair distance away, she sympathetically smiles and mimes 'I'm fine' and walks into the distance and the older girl smiles and cries as she finally says goodbye to her sister and accepts her death.

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