Friday 5 September 2014

Story Ideas 1&2

-Science fiction

Night and Shade

start scene begins with the sun rising along with the actors names, then other shots such as the empty train tracks and empty streets are shown to suggest that the city is abandoned, the soundtrack is going to be a slow to create emotion then the last opening shot is going to be a little radio phone on the ground in someone’s hand that lying pale on the floor and the camera is going to do a close up of the radio, then someone is going to say “(scuffling sound) This virus is spreading across the world in minutes, people are dying because of what this virus is doing to people, they’re turning into zo …. ahhhh (Radio breaks down)” then the title rises up. The opening scene then starts off with a girl called Suzanne who thinks she is the only survivor in her city. She has barely any food to keep her going. The brain cell killing virus has spread across Britain, and only a few survivors are left, Suzanne being one of them. The others who have caught the disease have no human connection but they are running wild searching for fresh meat. Suzanne is walking in the shade back home with her hands in her murky creased jacket, her shoulders are broad and you can only see her back as her hood is up too. She rushes inside her house but before she locks the door a close up takes place to show fear and determination to survive. She then locks the door and rushes upstairs to scrub her filthy hands, she looks in the small mirror and has a small flash back to what she was doing earlier and you can see that she’s creeping inside a small shop and another quick flashback to a can of beans and her reaching for it then running away. Once her hands are clean she makes her way down stairs into the kitchen and she begins to set the table up for a family of 4, then she has another flashback from her POV, this time you see the house what it used to look like with the lights switched on, and you also see her family around the table, each seat full and everyone is happy and you can hear her take in a deep breath and she is filled with happiness. Once the flashback has ended she takes out a can of beans from her pocket and sets it on the table, but then she hears a pleading scream outside her window, she quickly stands up and keeps through her curtains and sees a little boy around 10, he’s crying, she soon realizes that he is bleeding and she quickly opens the door and lets him in. She then looks at the time as sees that it’s nearly 5pm so she closes all the curtains and turns of all the heating in the house. She grabs a lighter, radio phone and leads towards a storage room with the little boy to hide. As she slowly closes the door she hears fist banging noises in the entrance of the house. She then opens up the small lighter and you can see fright in the little boy, Suzanne tries to calm him down as she starts to sing to him in a small tone but all of a sudden the wooden floor starts to creak behind the door and you can hear the footsteps. Suzanne closes the lighter and the room goes pitch black, then a scream.



A girl knocks on the door of an office, as she open the door the office is revealed and you can see a lady sitting on a chair with a notebook and a pen in her hand, she stands up to greet the young girl “Lola come in, take a seat”, then the psychologist soon begins to ask questions to Lola who is now laying down with her eyes shut, the audience is left confused as they don’t know what’s troubling her, but then as the psychologist starts to ask some questions in the past tense Lola’s eyes close tighter and she has a small POV flashback to her being at home with her family but something is wrong, both of her parents are arguing but she can’t hear what they’re arguing about, the psychologist forces Lola to focus but she begins to shake and starts to yell “stop! Please stop! You’re hurting me!” the psychologist starts to shake Lola violently until she finally opens her eyes and breaks down. The next scene takes place at her home and she is walking down a corridor and she looks at a door and it drags her towards it, however when Lola tries to open the door it won’t open with all her force, her head begins to spin as she gets more confused and just as she’s about to collapse her mother catches her. The next scene will then be in Lola’s room and as she opens her eyes she sees a young girl sitting beside her bed, her room is too bright and Lola doesn't recognize this girl. “Lola please don’t this, you have to accept and move on” she says, but Lola begins to fall in to a deep sleep again and this time when she opens her eyes its night already, she begins to rub her forehead and stands up to go into the kitchen, as she walks past the same room she walked past earlier she takes a deep breath and reaches her hand out to grab the handle and the door opens, she turns the light on and once she takes a good look around the room she has small flashbacks to her and the same girl she saw earlier in her dreams and she begins to breakdown as she starts to remember what happened to her sister, and the last flashback where she got hit by a car brings her back to reality, she slowly goes inside her sisters bed and grabs the frame with a picture of her and her sister and hugs it as she falls asleep and says I miss you..  

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