Thursday 25 September 2014

Research into mise-en-scene

Research into mise-en-scene

Lola -  

The character Lola will be given makeup to make her look very pale as she is dead. She has been involved in a car accident therefore may have bruising to her face and possible blood marks. Her eyes will be very dark giving her an overall result of not looking healthy at all. Her hair will look very messy and unbrushed due to her not being in an ideal state. 

Lolas friend - 

Lolas friend will also look very pale due her being dead but will have no physical bruising to her face. However, she will have marks around her neck which will have come from when she hung herself due to not being able to cope with Lolas death. This will just look like red bruising around her neck that will represent a noose that was once there to strangle her.


Lola will be wearing a hospital gown due to being put into hospital. This will give the story a sense of realism as this is something which would happen if someone was actually admitted into a ward unit. 

Flowers - 

These flowers will be seen in the scene where Lola is walking to her boyfriends house and sees the accident scene in which she was killed yet doesn't realise its her accident scene. This will tell the audience how she died as it is obviously from a car accident. 

Police tape - 
Police tape will also be included at the accident scene just to give it more realism. This is because at a real accident scene police tape would be placed when an accident has just took place. It also tells the audience the accident was recent giving hints that it was indeed Lolas accident.

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