Tuesday 23 September 2014

Melodrama: Research Into Music/Sound

Ambient Sounds: Due to the majority of our film being taped outside, there will be many ambient sunds in the background to signify this. There will probably be birds in the background, and we will often hear cars going past. There also may be other people walking past, as they are in a public area. This is to make the film look more realistic where there is an unnatural silence.

Diagetic Sounds: Due to the majority of our characters being in their late teens, most of the diagetic sounds will be coming from texts and calls on mobile phones. Music will also be playing through Lola's earphones at some point, which will be non diagetic as she has them in , and diagetic when she takes them out (for effect) . This will highlight the tragedy of Lola's death as it reminds us that she has been killed at a young age. There will also be the sound of cars going past and there may be other people in the scene talking as the majority of the film is in public. This is to make the film look more realistic where there is an unnatural silence.

Non Diagetic Sounds: Sad and slow music will be played during our film at certain key moments where it is required. The music will remain calm right to the very end, as it is not until the end of the film that it is discovered that Lola is dead.The music will be slightly more up tempo and angry when she discovers her boyfriend with another girl, in order to convey her emotions of rage and also heartbreak. Sad music will highlight the tragedy of the situation and will help the audience empathise and relate to the story and Lola's character. When the accident is shown at the end, a creative way of adding music would be to put on uncomfortably happy music on at the end. This will show the contrast of Lolas mixed emotions of her sadness of being dead but also her relief. They manage to convey a mixture of emotions in American Horror story. The boys are smashing up a haunted house. The audience knows something bad is about to happen. However, this music (below) is played in the background.The cheery music completey contrasts to the situation.  This makes the audience interested in what will happen next. 

Sound Effects: Many sound effects will be used in our film to make it more realistic. One of our main sound effects will be of a heart monitor, which will be played when Lola is in the hospital. It will flatline when we discover that Lola is dead. This will hit the audience with the fact that Lola has actually passed on and is now in the spirit world. Other sound effects will include mobile phones ringing and the sound of a car accident. However, this may be hard to portray, so it is possible that we may have to change what caused Lola's death. 

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