Thursday 11 September 2014

Research into Iconography/Setting

Research into iconography/setting

Supernatural Drama

A typical iconography in supernatural dramas are ghosts. These are usually ghosts of relatives or loved ones that are trying to reach out/contact the living. In our film, Lola is a ghost who thinks she is still alive therefore is very confused as to the events happening around her. She is dead in spirit form and due to her acting like she would usually, other activities going on around her such as nurses walking by her are confusing to her as she doesn't understand why they aren't comprehending her presence.

In the drama genre, a family is usually involved that are going through a problem or experience a tragedy that caused the drama in the first place. In our film, the drama comes from three different ideas. Firstly, the parents are going through a hard time in dealing with their daughters death which isn't fully realised by the audience to start with. Secondly, the dead girl has a boyfriend in which she thinks he is cheating on her but is revealed at the end that he was actually talking to a female councillor. These ideas create drama in the story due to the tragedy of her death.
Hospital room: 
Due to the genre being supernatural, the setting is usually set in a hospital where spirits and ghosts typically lay. In our film, Lola seems to 'wake up' in a hospital room in bed due to being in an accident that she is unsure about. This will give the film realism as that is what would happen in a real life event. Props will be placed in the room such as a hospital bed, hospital table and equipment such as heart monitors and pumps. The room used also needs to look very light like a typical hospital room and should have no irrelevant posters on it.

Family home: 
Drama films typically have scenes in which a family has a problem which caused the drama in the first place. The problem is usually argued about with families in their family home. In our film, Lolas parents will be arguing in the home to create a realistic setting and atmosphere. This will make the film more believable and make the audience able to relate to it more. The scenes may be filmed in typical places such as the living room or kitchen as such include everyday appliances in them such as a Tv, Sofas etc.. This adds to the realism and doesn't look like a set just been made up. This may be filmed in someone's actual house so its a real life setting.

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