Thursday 25 September 2014

Research into title sequences

Research into title sequences

My Sisters Keeper:

I think the title sequence for My Sisters Keeper would be something similar to a title sequence we would want to achieve for our film Lola.
 It starts off with sad piano music which is something we have already agreed we want included in our film. This sets an immediate tone and lets the audience know it will be emotional straight away. This is then followed by non diagetic sound of a voice over of a character in the film. In My Sisters Keeper, the character who is doing the dialogue is talking about the troubles and drama that she is facing in her life. This is something similar we can get Lola to do, however we would get her to talk about moments before death but make it slightly confusing to the audience so they are unaware she is actually dead. This would then make sense at the end of the story when her death is revealed. 
It is also set non linear as it is memories from the past that they are reflecting or looking back on. The editing has been done so it almost looks like a video tape that they are watching back. This is also something we could include in our title sequence as Lola is dead therefore she would also have flashbacks of her memory just before her death. 

The cinematography includes lots of long shots that fits well with the music. This gives it a slow pace that doesn't rush straight into the film. We should also take inspiration from this and start our film off slow and build it up towards the end at Lolas death reveal. There are also close up shots of characters faces to show emotion and how happy they were in their old memories. These shots we could also do to express how the characters used to feel contrasting to how they now feel in this short film.

Six Feet Under:

What I particually like in the title sequence Six Feet Under is the mise-en-scene as it relates a lot to our short film Lola. The character in the title sequence is clearly dead or dying due to being in a hospital gown and bed and being rolled down to the hospital room. This is something we could include in our title sequence due to Lola being in the same circumstances and it will immediately tell the audience what situation she is in. The setting, in a hospital room, is also something which is similar to our short film therefore we can take inspiration on what our setting should look like and props we should include in it.
However, the music in this title sequence feels very upbeat and almost brings a humours feel to it. I believe if the music was changed to something more sad or sinister, the whole clip would have a completely different feel to it. If we did something similar to this title sequence, we would add sad piano music to make it seem more emotional and set an immediate tone.
There are lots of close up shots on props such as the dead persons feet. This brings realism to the clip as the feet are very pale showing that the body is indeed dead. It also brings a mysterious element to it as we never see the persons face therefore we are not 100% sure they are dead. This would be useful in our film as our character is dead yet we dont want the audience to know until the end of the film. 

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