Friday 17 October 2014

Research into themes in our film


A dramatic composition, often in verse, dealing with a serious or somber theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of character or conflict with some overpowering force, as fate or society, to downfall or destruction.
This theme will be used as Lola's death will be a tragedy for everyone in the film. The fact that she had so much to look forward to and live for, but she died in a car accident is a tragedy. 


Acceptance takes a big part in this film as everyone has to accept Lola's death including herself for her to move on and let go, and for everyone else to finally move on to but still cherishing her existence by keeping photos of her around the house.

-After life

Lola's friend is a reminder of after life, they both will take the same journey to the next stage. She has to first make Lola move on for them to then both go to heaven. Lola might not feel ready but after looking through all the pain and hurt that her family is going through she'll realize there's no need to hurting her loved ones after all there is nothing they can do to bring her back.


Sorrow takes place in each character, death is a huge fact to face and the loved ones are struggling to keep their emotions inside and move on. They all miss and love Lola, but its even hard to accept knowing that she will never be coming back to her home, her room, her phone calls or messages. Sorrow is a tough theme in this film, that the audience will feel sympathy for.


Time is short in the film and Lola has to visit her most loved ones without realizing and she has to make the decision to leave earth in a short period of time. She does want more time to live the dreams she wanted, to go back home however she cant and she has to face the reality and learn to accept and cherish the time she had on earth with everyone that made those moments so special for her. 

-Appearance vs reality
Lola doesn't realize she is dead untill she actually goes back to the hospital, she wants to accept the fact that she is alive and she is fine, however the fact is that she is a ghost now and her body is now laying under the white cover on the bed, the reality is hard for her to face but she eventually has to for her to move on.

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