Friday 17 October 2014


Research into Mise-en-scene

 Lola’s makeup is going to be very dull and swelled up in some areas to give it that tragic look. I think the makeup colours that we will mainly focus on are red and purple, we will use red for the dried up blood around her face and body, we will also create scratches on her arms using red, and the colour purple will be used for creating bruises under her eye and arms as there the only parts of her bod that will be revealed as the rest will be covered in her hospital gown.
I think Lola should wear a hospital gown at the beginning of the film and then change into a casual outfit once her friend tells her exit the hospital with her. It will give Lola a more ordinary look and it will be more realistic for the audience in that will be watching this film in the local cinemas to link and have that connection with her. The colours of her outfit will be important also, I think her second outfit should be vibrant so give that lively young teenager outlook, I also think it will match her personality and her age. Using vibrant colours to portray her personality will also have an effect on the audience once they realise that Lola is actually dead, which will cause more reaction.

I think Hanna’s make up should be perfectly pace like a porcelain, as she is basically like an angel in earth supporting her friend to go on to the afterlife. I think Hanna should not have any makeup on her face but clear natural foundation with a white powder to give her that ghostly effect. 

Hanna’s outfit should be ragged and creased but it should look casual and ordinary, the reason for this is because I think the audience especially the young audience will connect with her but because I don’t think her personality should be the exact same as Lola’s and also the fact that she has been dead for a long time will mean that her clothes will have been creased and ripped around ages overtime, as nothing lasts on/from earth. Her outfit colour should be dark and earthy, so colours such as brown, black and blue so that her edgy personality will be reflected more easily to the audience.

Flannel BlanketsThree symbolic props will be used in our film. A mobile phone, flowers and the hospital blanket.
The significance of the mobile phone is that Lola is dead so therefore the messages she is sending to her boyfriend isn’t actually sending, and also the truth about her death is revealed through the text message that she receives from her boyfriend, therefore the phone takes a big part in our film as it establishes reality which is one of the themes in our film.
The flowers will also be important as Lola will pitty whoever got hit by a car, yet she doesn’t know it was her death scene and the flowers are for her instead, the audience along with Lola herself will realise this at the end when the scenes of her crash comes back flooding into her.

The hospital blanket will be used like the phone in the beginning and at the end. In the beginning it will reveal Lola as she exits the bed and lives a half day, but then it reappears at the end when Lola returns to her hospital room to find the blanket covering up a body, and when she pulls it down to see herself she breaks down, the significance of the blanket is that something so thin and damageable can hide such things without others around noticing how important the thing behind it may be. We take significant things for granted, when it can offer us a chance of living.

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