Wednesday 29 October 2014

Analysis of Video Questionnaire

Analysis of Video Questionnaire 

From our online questionnaire, we decided to print it off and go around and interview our target audience about our film storyline. We interviewed 12 people in total both males and females aged between 12-21 to get a variety of opinions to help us improve our film as much as possible.
We used Sony HD professional camcorder to shoot the interviews, we used this camera because we knew it would give us a high definition video at the end. We printed the questionnaire of and started to look for people that matched our target audience.
Once we set up the camera and the background environment was suitable, we began to film people. We would firstly read the storyline out to each individual and then once they were ready to answer the questions we would press record and start reading each question out. We did this over and over again 12 times for each person. Sometimes the noise would raise from the background so therefore we would have to re-start the question and ask them again once the noise decreased. As we wanted our questionnaire to look at professional as possible.
From the variety of results we got, we then started editing these videos. We had to firstly attach the camcorder to the Mac computers so all the videos would sync onto Final cut express. Once all the videos were successfully on the computer we watched each clip and began to structure them by cutting the videos into smaller sections so we would then easily be able to find the videos for each question. We wanted to structure our questionnaire so that it wasn't just one person answering all the questions at once, but instead a certain amount of people would answer each question and so on. We though this way would look better as it would make it less boring. Once we structured the videos into a single video, we then re-watched it and thought the background for some people didn't look on point angle wise, so we decided to edit it by cropping the size of the video, by doing this our questionnaire looked a lot more realistic and organised.
Once we was sure that the editing for the questionnaire was completed, and we were sure that the editing was perfect we then rendered the video so that we could be able to post it onto youtube. We successfully uploaded the questionnaire on to YouTube and attached the link on to blogger so we knew where to find it.
Once the video was successfully uploaded we copied the link and posted it on blogger, so we will be able to find it without having to search for it.

The results itself in the questionnaire was very similar to the online version,as we got similar answers to most of the questions, which is great as that means that our film is on the right path and people will want to see it once it comes out in cinemas. For the first question on a scale from 1-10 what would you rate the story line? most of the people agreed it was 10 and the majority agreed it was 7 and above, these results were great as we now know people really like the story line and its unique.
For the second question 'What age certificate would you give this film?' all 9 out of 9 people agreed it should be 12/A which is what we originally rated it as anyway, so it was great knowing our target audience agreed with us. The third question which was 'Where do you expect this film to be viewed?' most people gave combined answers, mostly TV & cinemas was said and the rest said they would watch it on DVD or online. Its good that we didn't get similar answers for this question because that means we have variety options on where we could publish our film. Our forth question which was 'What genre do you believe this film is?' we got mostly Drama and supernatural, these answers were correct, which means that our storyline portrays the genre without any difficulty and its on point.
Question 5, 'Would you recommend this film to a friend?', the answers were all yes for all 9 individuals, this is great because if people did recommend our film on to their friends, which willbe our target audience age wise, it will mean our film will become more successful due to the reviews and people wanting to watch it from what they heard from their friends. Question 6, 'Who would you  imagine the main character looking like?' was another question where we got variety of answers, 6 out of 9 people agreed it should be Emma Watson and the rest agreed it should be Dakota Fanning and Susie Salmon, because we got a variety of answers for this question and not a specific one, we will not spend too long making sure that a character fits in with what our target audience agree with, because there are too many options. Our main character does have similarities with Emma Watson which is great, as most people chose her anyway. Question 7 'How likely are you to buy this film on DVD late?', all the responses were very likely and 1/2 said likely. These answers were superb as we now know our target audience would actually buy this film on DVD after watching it in cinemas, these rates will create a bigger impact on our box office which is great. Question 8, 'What is the most important factor in making a film?', we got variety of answers for this question also, 4 people believed that the writing is the most important element in a film, however the rest of the individuals believed that the special effects, cast, directing was the most important, from the results above we know that our audience believes that our writing is really good so far so that's great as they believe that's the most important element to a good film. Question 9 'How many pounds would you pay to buy this film?' was mostly £8 and above which gives us an estimate of how much we should sell ur film once its out in cinemas as we want it to be suitable and affordable for our audiences to go and see it. Question 10 'Is there any improvements you think should bee made to this film?' the responses were all no to 9 out of 9 individuals, as they all believed our film was on the right path and we just need to get filming now.

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