Thursday 16 October 2014

Online Questionnaire results analysis

Questionnaire Results 

 These are the results that we collected from the public. The questions asked were all relevant to our film project, we asked questions that we knew would help improve our film. We created our questionnaire on google docs and from there on we uploaded it on to excel document s it would be easier to gather up the answers at the end.

The first question that was asked was 'on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the storyline?' and the results we got from this question was 8-10, this suggests that all 12 people that took this survey thought our storyline is great, which is wonderful for us as we dont have to change anything about the storyline. But because we want our films storyline to be 10 out of 10 we will try and to readjust some scenes in the storyline, if we believe anything needs changing.

The second question was 'what do you think is the age certificate for this film?' and the responses we got for this question was 0 percentage did not vote for the 18+, or 18 or PG. 8 out of twelve people voted for the 12A and 12 and the other 3 voted for 15. This means that our age certificate that we originally thought was suitable is thought the same by the public too, so we will not change the age certificate for this film, as some scenes may be too depressing for younger children, so they will need to be accompanied by a parent or a guardian.

 The third question asked was 'where would you expect this film to be viewed?', and the answers we got were 5 out of 12 thought it should be viewed in cinemas, 5 out of 12 thought our film should be viewed in a Local cinemas, and the last 2 thought it should be published on DVD's and Blu-ray. Looking at the responses overall, we agreed with the public and thought it would be better to publish our film to Global and Local cinemas wit the support from the Working Title.

The answers to the fourth question 'Do you believe the genre for this film should be Drama?' was all yes, this means that our storyline does fit in with this genre, as the public also agrees. The reasons why our film is a genre is because of the themes in our storyline such as death, tragedy, afterlife etc. these all add up to the Drama genre.

The main character that the public thought would be similar looking to Lola was mostly Dakota Fanning and Susie Salmon (from the lovely bones). Both of these actors are very similar looking with both sharp facial features, from this response we will make sure that the actor playing out the role for Lola also has similar sharp features and vibes that the public like about the two actors. 2 out of 12 voted for Emma Watson and 1 person voted for Chloe Moretz, I see why people would have voted for the other two actors, however I do believe that from the lack of drama films that these two actors have participated in, their role would not be seen as significant compared to Susie Salmon, who has played in various drama films, same with Dakota Fanning, who played in drama films such as Now is good.

12 out of 12 people that participated in this questionnaire said they would recommend this film to a friend, this is great as that suggests that these people that have read the storyline really have enjoyed it and believe it should be seen by more people. This will not only help increase our audience but also the attention and hype which will be originally be created by the public itself. No one said they would not recommend it to a friend, that means we have have achieved our goals in producing a great storyline, which is a great success and achievement for us, as from now on it will motivate us to serve our public's imagination of what they expect this film to be like.

The answers we collected for the seventh question suggests that most people would buy our film on DVD later if they enjoyed watching the film in the theatres, as 10 0ut of 12 people pressed very likely and the other 2 pressed somewhat likely. These responses has helped us to motivate our selves to make this film as enjoyable as possible so that our audiences can later on buy it on DVD later, this will do us very well as it'll mean we'll make more money.

Another question that was asked was 'which of the following aspects do you feel is most important to a good film?' and through the 4 options, 6 out of 12 people voted on the writing, 5 people voted on the direction and 1 person voted on the special effects. These results will help us to focus on the direction of the film and the writing, which we have already completed. 

Question 9, which was 'How much are you willing to pay to see this film on DVD?', we found out that 4 out of 12 people would spend £5-£7 on the DVD, 7 people would pay £8-£10 and one individual would pay £10 and above, these statistics are great, as we now have some ideas on how much we would sell our DVD's for if our film was to become successful. 

The last question which was 'do you think any improvements should be made for this film project?', and the results that we got for this question way no for the 12 out of 12 people that participated in this survey. We asked this question at the end to get some feedback on how we can improve our film, but because all 12 individuals response was no, we believe our film project is prepared and ready to go on to the next stage, as no improvements or changes should be made if the public believe it is great the way it is.

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