Sunday 25 January 2015

Shooting schedule and resources

Shooting schedule

On Friday the 14th of November 2014 we began filming our title sequence. It took in total about 1 hour to produce all the shots. It wasn't necessary to re-film any of our title sequence because we were all very happy with the outcome and feel that it looked good.  Below, I have attached a rough copy of our title sequence which we produced and edited by December 2nd 2014. The title sequence itself will be using in our film, however, the shots used in the opening scene will not be used as we have re-filmed the whole scene with better shots.

We first began shooting the film on the 21st of November 2014 in the Health and Social room on the 2nd floor in Barnsley college. This scene was used to film the 'hospital scene' in which Lola first wakes up and sneaks out with Hannah. The room is set out with two hospital beds and a bedside table, however, we brought our own props to make it look more like hospital to add a sense of realism to our film and ensure it looks quite professional. However, after we filmed this and watched the footage back when editing it on Final cut express, we all decided as a group that although some of the shots were really good, for example the extreme close up of the eyes, we felt that we needed to re-film the scene again to ensure that we were happy with it. We began to re-film the same scene on the 3rd of December 2014 however, we did not have enough time to complete the whole scene so we finished off the filming on Friday 12th of December 2014, we also managed to film the stairs scene on this day which took us approximately 30minutes to film. I then took the camera equipment back to my house so we could film of the home scenes over the Christmas period.

On the 2nd of January we began filming the home scenes. We planned of filming these earlier however we had some setbacks which made us unable to do so, e.g.; snow on the ground, some members of the group ill and some members of the group at work. On the 2nd  we managed to film the scene at Lola's house, the scene outside Tom's house, the scene when Lola goes to Hannah's house and the flashback scenes. Due to all the unfortunate circumstances of not being able to film on any other day, we were put under pressure to get all the scenes filmed with Demi on that 1 day. This is because Demi was dying her hair from blonde to brown on the 3rd of January. Unfortunately, the wind was really bad therefore we were unable to film much outside, this is why we slightly changed the storyline so instead of Lola and Hannah arguing outside Toms, We changed it so Lola went to Toms alone and then went to Hannah's house so the confrontation between both girls could take place indoors where the sound was a lot clearer. Putting aside all the set-backs, we were able to successfully complete all the shots on that day and when watching them back, we were all very pleased.

This picture was taken whilst filming the 'home scene' at Lola's.
On Wednesday 14th January 2015, we filmed the final scene with Tom and the psychiatrist and also we used a zoom recorder to record Tom's voice over and got all the scenes with Tom in done on that day. However, another setback occurred when filming. Demi's sister, Jade Cash who was supposed to be playing the psychiatrist was unable to participate in the film making so we was an actress short. However, at the last minute, my sister, Amy Shutt volunteered to play the psychiatrist and we managed to get it filmed that day.
On Friday 16th January 2015, we filmed the 'accident scene' where Lola walks past the accident scene on her way to Toms and also the scene where the accident took place when Hannah pushes Lola into the road and she gets hit by a car. It took us about 1 hour to film these two scenes as it began to rain so we had to take the camera somewhere sheltered until it stopped.
This a picture to show the resources we took out to film on that particular day. We have the camera and the tripod. I looked at the weather forecast and it was forecast to rain that day so we were aware therefore I brought a large golfing umbrella to protect the camera and also a UV torch to flash into Lola's face to make it look like a headlight was hitting it.
On Friday 23rd of January 2015 we completed our final bit of filming which was in the same hospital scene we filmed for the beginning of the film. We also did some extra shots in which Lola is stumbling down the corridor making her way to the hospital room, including some point of view shots. In total, it took us approximately 4 hours to complete this scene.
This week, we are focusing on editing all our shots and creating a 'rough copy' of the film by the latest Friday 30th of January 2015. Therefore, we can then share a copy of this to friends/family and ask them to suggest improvements in which we can add to our final draft.

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