Tuesday 30 December 2014

Research into radio trailers

What is a radio trailer?

A radio trailer is an audio advertisement and its purpose is to promote and sell. Typically, a radio trailer for a film includes dialogue from the film, a narrative, music from the film and sound effects from the film, ultimately giving the audience an incite to the film and delivering it on a more personal level.

Eric Chase sets a good example of what  great radio trailers should sound like. He helps to create a gripping, intense and attention grabbing radio trailer which makes you want to drop what you're doing and go and watch the films he is advertising. Eric Chase Creative Services produces award-winning, results-oriented, high-impact audio and audio-for-video. Theme Parks, Major Retailers, Satellite Networks, Top Casinos, Nightclubs and Media Outlets are reaping the rewards of ECCS produced spots.

Click here to go to the Eric Chase services website and listen to some of his trailers

Preparation and planning for our radio trailer

After researching into radio trailers and looking at examples from Eric Chase's website, I decided what I would like our film trailer to sound like and it has given me a good idea to what a good radio trailer should be like. When selecting an actor/actress to narrate the film for the trailer, we need to ensure that they have a powerful voice in which they can confidently project to the audience. The actor/actress must also get a feel for the film, and feel that they can emotionally connect with it. This will then reflect itself when listening back to the trailer. With the proper ability to tell a story the audience will fully engrossed in the feature and the intended job of the production will be a success. We already have a actor in mind and this is Danny Milne who also stars as Tom in our film as we feel he can meet the suitable criteria and ultimately help produce a perfect, gripping radio trailer.

Other things we need to take into consideration when producing our radio trailer is we need to include snippets of dialogue from our film. This means that we'll need the dialogue of the main characters e.g.; Lola, Hannah, Tom... Also, we will need to include key sound effects to help build up an atmosphere so these will include sounds such as the oxygen mask, car breaks, screams, sirens... All of which will give the audience an incite to what the film is about without giving too much away.

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