Tuesday 30 December 2014

Research into radio trailers

What is a radio trailer?

A radio trailer is an audio advertisement and its purpose is to promote and sell. Typically, a radio trailer for a film includes dialogue from the film, a narrative, music from the film and sound effects from the film, ultimately giving the audience an incite to the film and delivering it on a more personal level.

Eric Chase sets a good example of what  great radio trailers should sound like. He helps to create a gripping, intense and attention grabbing radio trailer which makes you want to drop what you're doing and go and watch the films he is advertising. Eric Chase Creative Services produces award-winning, results-oriented, high-impact audio and audio-for-video. Theme Parks, Major Retailers, Satellite Networks, Top Casinos, Nightclubs and Media Outlets are reaping the rewards of ECCS produced spots.

Click here to go to the Eric Chase services website and listen to some of his trailers

Preparation and planning for our radio trailer

After researching into radio trailers and looking at examples from Eric Chase's website, I decided what I would like our film trailer to sound like and it has given me a good idea to what a good radio trailer should be like. When selecting an actor/actress to narrate the film for the trailer, we need to ensure that they have a powerful voice in which they can confidently project to the audience. The actor/actress must also get a feel for the film, and feel that they can emotionally connect with it. This will then reflect itself when listening back to the trailer. With the proper ability to tell a story the audience will fully engrossed in the feature and the intended job of the production will be a success. We already have a actor in mind and this is Danny Milne who also stars as Tom in our film as we feel he can meet the suitable criteria and ultimately help produce a perfect, gripping radio trailer.

Other things we need to take into consideration when producing our radio trailer is we need to include snippets of dialogue from our film. This means that we'll need the dialogue of the main characters e.g.; Lola, Hannah, Tom... Also, we will need to include key sound effects to help build up an atmosphere so these will include sounds such as the oxygen mask, car breaks, screams, sirens... All of which will give the audience an incite to what the film is about without giving too much away.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Poster analysis

The poster for the film The lovely Bones straightaway shows who the main character is by putting her in the centre of the poster faded, and possibly on the bottom middle as well. Suggesting that the film is focused mainly on her.
The audience for this film is PG/13. I believe the poster represents the age certificate by using a young character to focus on, and the colours and effects used, such as fade out and the smooth colours show an innocent non violent theme.
The colours that stand out the most are blue and yellow, I think these colours link in with the storyline, yellow can be represented as the heaven and the blue can be inbetween where she currently is. The fact that she is inbetween both of these colours can again represent the concept of the story that she is stuck inbetween.
key image:
The key image that stands out on the poster is the main characters face in the centre of the poster. I believe the faded effect gives her a ghostly effect and this can link in with the storyline as in the film she is not alive but not dead, so the faded effect portrays this look. Her face expression shows that she is desperate, which can make the audience think why?
The poster does look realistic in a strange way. The poster overall does look very ghostly which the theme isnt relaistic but the storyline can be and i think from the way this theme has been linked in with everything else on the poster it does give a realistic effect. Such as the main characters face, it looks like she is looking directly as you therefore makes you think why does she look so desperate and sad.
The text effects on the poster are very simplistic. The colours used are white and pastel yellow. I think these colours does make the text stand out from the dark black background on the lower section of the poster. The size of the texts aren't all proportionate, the title does stand out and thats the most important text anyway.

I really like this poster. There is a great comparison between both our storylines, however I would like to think ours is more realistic and less edited so therefore the layout would not be suitable for our film. I do like the blurred effect on the key image and I think it does look really impressive. I don't like that its giving too much away however, I think it would be a lot mysterious if it was abit more simplistic.

The purpose of this film poster is to make the audience feel sympathetic towards the young girl. It also introduces one of the main actors to the audience aswell.

The audience for the film Les Miserables is PG/13. There is no violence or blood portrayed on this poster so therefore portraying the age restriction. 
There are mainly dark colours used on this film poster, I think this reflects the time period of the film but also give abit of a hint of the storyline, as the young girl is being hidden from the darkness. The only brightness is portrayed through the young girl whose face is in the centre of the poster. This does give her an angelic, innocent look and i think the audience would sympathise with her as she does look scruffy and dirty. Her bright blue eyes again adds colour to the poster and does make the audience feel for her. 
Key Image:
The key image on this poster is the young girls face in the centre of the poster, she stands out from the background. I think this key image is used to represent to reflect the plot of the film as the film revolves around this young girl.
The background is dark and doesn't add much to the poster, but it does help to make the key image stand out.
The poster does have a realistic effect. Its very simply with a plain background and a single main image of one of the main characters in the center so therefore makes the poster seem realistic.
The colours used on the text are gold, which does give the poster a theatrical effect which it is. The size of the fonts aren't too big but the title is and its font is also different from the rest adding a bit of a theme to the poster.

I like the layout of this film poster, it makes the audience feel something when they look at it and that's what I think we should have on our film poster. I want the audience to feel sympathy for the main character without them knowing the storyline. However I do think abit more colour should be used to give the poster a more powerful effect.

The purpose of this poster is to let the public know which director has made this film, but no other information is revealed.

The age certificate for this film must be 15/18, as the colours and the blood shown suggests there may be abit of gruesome scenes or maybe violence.

The colours used are very simple, white, black and a bit of red. These colours does make the film seem sinister and odd. I think that is also another purpose of this film poster. The contrast between white and black can be the angel and the devil, as the images on each side of the poster also gives that idea away.
key image:
The key image in this poster are the hands that are in symmetrical to one another, one seems to be obeying while the other one seems to be controlling in the darkness. I like the simplicity of the key images as it makes the audience think the meanings behind it even more.
The poster does not look realistic as the images and the colours used makes it complicated for the audience to understand what the storyline for this film may be.
The text used is very simple with the rest of the other bits on the poster, I think this helps for everything to blend in. The colours used on the text are white and black, again blends in with the rest of the poster. The size of the title is really large and does stand out along with the key images, this does help the audience to remember the name of the film as it is very large.
The layout of the poster is very structured and simple, the two colours used cover half the page each and the symmetrical key images used of the hands again gives abit of a hint of the age certificate and the storyline. The text above the key images that publicated the film director does also stand out along with the films title below the key images. Everything overall does seem catchy as it is very simple.
I really like this poster, I think its got its own twist with a mystery, and it makes you want to watch out for the trailer and do abit of research. I like how the title is really big and yet it evens out the poster, it makes the audience also remember the name of the film so therefore is doing its advertisement part successfully well.

The purpose of this film poster is to advertise the film but also to show who the main chacacter in the film will be.
The audience for this film I probably a 15 as it seems like a psychological film with abit of violence. This is represented through the key image which is the main character who looks physically and mentally drained out. She does look like she's been abused as a bruise is visible on her cheekbone.
The colours used are very simple in a natural way. The black background allows the key image to stand out which is the main character.
key image:
The key image is of a woman which is possible the main character in the film. She looks really tired and emotional, the title of the film does sound sinister and can give the audience abit of a hint as in to why the main character looks drained out and abused. The main character being a girl who looks damaged does portray the typical stereotype that women can be hysterical and weak when it comes to supernatural. The woman is not facing towards the audience suggesting that she is too afraid or distracted by whatever she is looking at, again making the audience think about the possibilities. 
The background of the poster is black/black and blurs around the main image which allows it to stand out and be in focus. The background does look dirty with the misty blurry colours being blended in together.
The title and the rest of the text on the poster have a normal size and isn't too large. The colours of the text are gold/white with a blurred effect which has been used to drag the title name out so it looks more mysterious and ghostly effect, suiting its genre.
I really like the sinister look of the key images position, I think by her facing a different direction it has created a more mysterious effect. What I think I would use on this poster on our poster is the same colour effect on our main character, I really think the dirty bruised looks really powerful and I think the fact that our main character has had a car crash so therefore she will also be bruised will look good on the poster.

My Sister's Keeper Movie Poster
The purpose of this film poster is to let the audience know its a PG/13 film. It portrays a family portrait of a mother and possibly her two daughters. I think that it is also trying to advertise the film actors aswell like Cameron Diaz who is on the Hollywood A list for her acting career, and so is Abigail Breslin who has just recently started building her portfolio up in the film industry. I think that by using the two main known actors in the center of the poster is trying to build up an audience.
The audience for this film is PG/13, this is because there seems to be no violence on the poster, instead a family is being portrayed suggesting its an all aged film. The films name 'My Sisters Keeper' also suggests that it is a family based film.
The colours used are very calm and heavenly in a way. The bubbles along with the greeny/blue background effect makes the poster look like a very beautiful peaceful art.
key image:
The key image on this poster is the main actors in the center of the poster, which is Cameron Diaz and Abigale. These two actors are really well known in the film industry so therefore the key image of these two acotrs sell the film to the actors fans and those who also who know about them.
The background is very calm and peaceful, the bubbles and the the blue background colour gives the poster a very heavenly look. Which may be linked in with the storyline.
The poster does look realistic as the effects used suits the films age certificate. The colours are blended in and doesn't stand out. The key actors used in the centre of the page seem to look like they have a strong relationship, the young girl on the bottom seems to be very pale compared to the other two characters suggesting she may be sick again making the film sound realistic.
The texts used are very simple and the colour of it is also white which again makes the poster seem very casual and realistic. This effect does suit the age certificate as the title isn't over exaggerated.
I really like the realism on this poster. The storyline is quite similar to ours however ours is a little bit more supernatural. I really like the warmth and the natural chemistry the characters portray on the poster. I think the relationship  between Lola and Hannah can also be reflected in the similar way.

Extra Large Movie Poster Image for 12 Years a Slave
The purpose of this poster is to show who the main actor is and also the content of the time of the film.
The audience for this film would be a 15. The violence and the gruesome scenes would make it difficult for anyone below that age to watch. 
The colours used are very natural which does make it realistic. The shirt that the man is wearing does look scruffy which suggests he may be the main character who was a slave for 12 years and therefore the film revolves around him.
key image:
The key image on this poster is the guy who seems to be running. This key image may represent him trying to run away from slavery.
The poster does look realistic as there arent alot of images just one key image of a man running. The title and the history of the title is real so therefore makes the film sound interesting and does make the audience feel sympathy towards the key actor on the centre. 
The text is also very simple with a touch of gold on the number 12 which does make it stand out from rest of the white text.But the text overall is simple making it balance with the layout of the poster as its not overpowering the key image used. But the underline on the title does make a point and makes the audience remember the name.
I really like this poster. I think in a way the main character does have a connection with Lola. I think it would look great if Lola was also running but in her hospital gown with bruises on her. This effect would make the audience feel sympathy towards her but also it would make the audience think what is she running away from.