Thursday 26 March 2015

Critical Evaluation: 1

In what ways does the media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Continuity is extremely important when creating a film due to the negative impacts a lack of it could bring, such as confusion to the storyline. Due to this, as a group we tried our best to make our short film lack any continuity problems and make it flow.  To do this, we stuck to the conventions of the 180 degree rule, planning and shooting our shots around this. We also did the typical shot reverse shot when filming conversations between characters as it allows you to see the person who is talking and their reactions. As our film consisted of many different locations, we often broke continuity when creating a passage of time. We did this by making characters walk in and out of the camera or putting an editing effect on such as a fade. Despite trying to stick to continuity conventions, we often found in editing we had obvious problems such as a characters nails being different colours or being in a different position. This meant we had to go and reshoot the scene again to make it perfect. We also had the problem of an actor changing the colour of their hair halfway through filming, meaning we had to change half of the script so that she didn’t appear in it otherwise the whole film would lack continuity. However, we manage to fix these problems through clever editing, reshooting or changing the script so our film had continuity. 

The genre we originally choose was drama as it opposes the horror genre we did last year. After more discussion around the script, we decided on it being a supernatural drama as the main character is a ghost. We stuck to the conventions of this by setting the scene in the hospital and family home as this is typically where drama films take place, eg ‘My Sisters Keeper’. The music used consisted of a soft piano at sad parts and an emotional guitar at points which had more tension and drama. This is something that is used in drama films to create an atmosphere for the audience. The protagonist character Lola, sticks to the conventions of a typical main character as the audience often feels sorrier for young girls. However, the storyline consists of her waking up in hospital and visiting her friends and family to see they are taking no interest in her. The audience finds out with her that she is actually dead towards the end. This subverts the conventions of a supernatural drama due to the twist ending. In films with this genre, the audience usually knows from the start the protagonist character is a ghost, however this short film only gives clues. The storyline subverts the typical drama films mood in which they visit many highs and low throughout the film. Our film apposes this by going from a high (when she wakes up in the hospital with her friend) to a low (when she discovers she is dead at the end of the film) to create a more emotional ending.

There are no elements of deliberate pastiche or parody, neither do we ‘play’ with genre’s codes and history due to having a serious storyline. Our film genre had no comedy values in it, therefore we did neither of these to keep the audience feeling emotional towards it. We didn’t hint at a reference to any other films as we wanted it all to be our original own work.

Richard Dyer’s theory of entertainment and utopia explained that ‘intensity’ is one of the satisfactions that an audience will receive whilst watching our film. The film starts at a high, Lola waking in hospital with her friend and going to visit her family, to gradually an ultimate low, her thinking her boyfriend is cheating on her then realizing she is dead at the very end of the film. The twist ending brings realization to the audience as they realise the boyfriend was having counselling sessions due to her death and also realizing she is dead. This will make the audience feel closure as everything that may have not made much sense at the start of the film is all coming together to a conclusion. We are confidence we achieved this due to feedback we received from audiences – they all said they understood the film and rated the storyline a 5/5. As our film was drama, we wanted the audience to feel elements of sadness throughout. We did this by giving an emotional twist ending, which would have had a shocking impact, paired with sad piano music to hopefully make the audience tear up. As storyline involved many different drama aspects, such as family arguing, cheating boyfriend and death we felt the audience would be able to relate to the film in some way.

We wanted to create an original film, however when researching into others with the same genre we discovered many had similar aspects to ours. A film that we took inspiration from was ‘The Sixth Sense’ in which the protagonist character here speaks to ‘ghosts’. Similarly, our main character was a ghost. Another similar film was ‘The Lovely Bones’ in which the protagonist character is a young dead girl who is coming to terms with her death. This was very much like our idea, even including a dead friend helping her along the way to realization. We knew from watching the film that the main character, Susie Salmon, had the audience feeling sorry for her and we wanted to create this same feeling so based our character, Lola around Susie. We knew we achieved this as in our video questionnaire, many people said the main character reminded them of Susie Salmon and that they found the film emotional.

Trailers to The Sixth Sense and The Lovely Bones


Overall, I feel our film stuck to the main conventions of the film genre supernatural drama, such as keeping it emotional with highs and lows. However, I do feel we subverted this genre with the twist ending – the protagonist character actually being dead.

Critical Evaluation: 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

Critical Evaluation: 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Click here to view Google Doc

Critical Evaluation: 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Individual Film Poster

Friday 13 March 2015

Individual film poster

Individual film poster

Individual film poster

Final Film Questionnaire analysis

75% of the responses we got for the first question all rated our film 5 out of 5, this is great for us as a group knowing that our audience has enjoyed watching our film and they think its great quality. And for us it means we have done what we have been aiming to do, which is to please our target audience. 6.3% of the responses gave it a 4 out of 5 which is still really good, because it gives us a small negative that we will try and work on for our next project. 
For the second question again we got a similar response, 12 people gave 5 for the question 'how would you rate the lighting in the film?' and the rest gave it a 4. We struggled with the lightening during the filming because of the time we would do filming during the day so the light would change constantly and that worried us, but now looking at the responses and seeing that the audience didn't acknowledge is great.
Question three which asked 'did you understand the storyline?' was a very big question as our storyline was abit complicated with a big twist at the end, and the responses we got for this question was superb, every individual that participated in this questionnaire said yes, this means that we have portrayed our film in the right manner for our audience to understand the plot and not get confused by it.

 For question four we got a variety of different answers, but all the answers are very generous. This question asked the audience to give their opinion on how the title sequence made them feel, and all the answers were positive which is great because it means they have enjoyed watching it and not boring.
The fifth question got alot of mix opinions of who the audience sympathised with, most people chose Lola and the parents, which makes sense because we tried to make the audience have a connection with Lola from making the story from her point of view and giving her a likeable character.
Everyone said yes for the sixth question which was if the music matched the scenes, it took us a while to find suitable songs that would reflect the right emotion on the scenes and again its made us really happy looking a these responses and seeing that the audience agreed with our choices.

 We got the right responses for the seventh question about Lolas character, everyone described her character really well and we were happy knowing that we portrayed her really well and that people really liked her character and sympathised with her.
For the eighth question most people understood hannah's role in the film and a small percentage mostly understood which is great, because we were unsure on wether or not we portrayed her well, and the flashbacks at the end were abit confusing, so the responses were relieving knowing that the audience understood her.
Everyone say yes for the question 9, which was if they liked the cliffhanger at the end, we really struggled to portray the cliffhanger but the fact that the audience liked it and got it made us really happy knowing it was worth the struggle.

Links to Questionnaire for both rough copy and final films

Link to rough cut questionnaire

Link to final film audience feedback questionnaire